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Writer's pictureGwen Salcido

Are We There Yet?

When I was kid, my 2 sisters and I would spend almost every summer in Idaho with my grandparents. We loved those summers, but one thing we didn't love was the 8 hour drive across the state to get there. My grandparents owned a cedar company making shakes and shingles for homes, so often our drives included a lumber delivery on the back of a mint green flatbed truck. Now imagine My 6 foot plus grandpa, my grandma and 3 kids with the occasional rottweiler that was as big as any of us kids squeezed into one truck without a second row. Of course this was the 90's when seat-belt laws and child safety was a lot more lax than it is now, so know that I had been known to share the floor with the dog for many of those trips.

On one trip though, we had happened to be in two trucks. My middle sister was in one with my grandma and the dog while my baby sister and I were in the other with my grandpa. I don't know if the truck didn't have AC or if it just sucked, but it was like 100 degrees in there and we were somewhere in the desert of Eastern Washington when we started complaining. "Grandpa it's so hot, are we there yet?" Now this is a common question for anyone with kids who have ever had to travel in car with them, but my grandpa got sick of it and thought of a way to get us to quit complaining. We stopped at a store and while we were using the restroom and grabbing our snacks and what not, he filled a couple big gulp sized cups of water and ice and loaded us all back up to go. Well sure enough, as he expected, about a mile or so down the road, my sister and I started complaining about the heat when we were shocked to receive a dousing of ice cold water over our heads. Welp....we were no longer hot that's for sure. He thought that was the funniest thing ever and to this day loves to share that story of how he got us to shut up.

I don't know about ya'll but that's how I feel about 2020. "Are we there yet?"

Like seriously God... Are we though?

This year just keeps dragging on with one thing after another. But do you just wonder if God wants to dump some icy water on us and tell us to stop complaining?

The other day as I was driving down the road, I saw a sign at a church that said "God is still in control." I know with the way this year has been, some may be giving a side eye up to heaven saying.... "but are you???" Sure we're in the middle of a pandemic and sure we're watching a presidential election that has got us all feeling a little squeamish, but God is still God. He hasn't been dethroned or gone blind.

As crazy as it may seem, He has seen all of it.

He hasn't abandoned us. Though many have turned away from Him, He is still persistent in pursuing His people. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

God is waiting for us. This is a promise with a requirement on our part. We need to seek Him and turn from our wickedness and then He will heal our lands (America). He's waiting at the door for us to open it and allow Him to get to work ( Rev 3:20). Trust me we don't want Him to barge in and do it, we'd be looking at a Sodom and Gomorrah type thing or a great flood which most of us probably wouldn't make the boat.

Some time a while back as I was reading,I came across this scripture;

You crown the year with Your goodness;

Your ways overflow with plenty. Psalm 65:11

I wrote it down on a note card and taped it to the side of my file cabinet. I saw it the other day as I was picking up toys in my daughters playroom where the filing cabinet currently lives. For a half second, I honestly thought about taking it down. This year has felt far from good for many, but I had to remind myself that doesn't mean many good things haven't happened. It's about our perspective and knowing that this is just a season (Eccl 3). If we fix our eyes on the Lord we can get through the end of this year.

In fact meditate on Hebrews 12:2 and the example Christ gave us.

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

Christ knew that the cross was only temporary, and we can trust that this season is only temporary. It may be uncomfortable and disappointing but this too shall pass.

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 cor 4:17-18

Remain steadfast my loves. This year is almost over. As you think to ask God "Are we there yet?" Have faith, we are almost there.

More specifically, You are almost there! That breakthrough is right around the corner, your healing is coming, Your time is near!

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